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GWC Mentor & ICF Certified Coach

Wendy has 20 years of Human Resources Management experience focused on Learning and Organizational Development in multi-national companies. Her areas of expertise include Corporate Cultural Development, Leadership & Talent Development, Change Management, and Soft Skills Training, etc. Wendy is passionate about Coaching and Leadership Development. She believes that everyone has huge potential to be a great leader. Her dream is to support individuals and organizations to awaken their vitalities and passion, develop their leadership inside out. She is good at partnering with business leaders to assess young talents’ readiness and developing programs to unleash their full potentialities. In order to broaden women leadership community and build a safe, trustworthy network, she worked with EAccWL to build an open dialogue platform to help other women leaders to learn from each other. Those rich experiences allowed her to further develop her mentoring, coaching and people skills.

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