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Medical Director Breast Health and Chief of Breast Surgery and Surgical Oncology at Jiahui Health

Dr. Tibor KOVACS MD, PhD, FRCS, FEBS Surgical Oncology, FEBS Breast Surgery, is Chief Medical Director of Breast Health Program in Jiahui International Hospital. He is specialized in breast cancer and reconstructive surgery, specializing in complex oncoplastic breast conservation techniques, immediate breast reconstruction and risk reduction surgery for high familial risk patients. Dr. Kovacs is a European Board Certified Surgical Oncologist and Breast Cancer Surgeon. Prior to joining Jiahui Health, Dr. Kovacs has worked at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Breast Unit in London.

As a surgeon in breast cancer surgical research, Dr. Kovacs continues to work on innovations in breast cancer treatment that allow for the reconstruction of the breast as well as the treatment of the breast cancer. He promoted new technologies such as radio-guided surgery and breast reconstruction based on dermal flaps and biological meshes to achieve more natural beauty to achieve better aesthetic results without compromising the oncological safety of breast cancer surgery. He has developed at Guy’s Hospital a novel reconstructive technique called the pre-pectoral implant reconstruction which gives less side effects, quicker recovery and aesthetic results as well.

Dr. Kovacs has been involved in exploring and trialing novel techniques for identification and localization of non-palpable breast lesions with the scope of better patient journey, more precise localization. These techniques aim to reduce the re-operation rates for involved surgical margins and also to offer better patient satisfaction.

Moreover, Dr. KOVACS is President of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO) for 2018-2020, Chair and founder of the ESSO Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Course, Faculty on several prestigious International Breast Surgery masterclasses and workshops, Examiner for the European Board of Surgery Qualification in Breast Surgery since 2010, Honorary Senior Lecturer at King’s College London and Chair of BRESO the European Breast Surgical Oncologist certification project with the mission of promoting the standardized education and training of surgeons dealing with breast cancer. Meanwhile, he is also conferred the title of honored professor by Fudan University, Shanghai Cancer Center.

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